Wednesday 20 November 2013


  1. India has Indus water treaty agreement with Pakistan .Under this legal framework Pakistan has exclusive rights over three rivers-Jhelum,Chenab and Indus - that flow westward.
  2. China has dispute with India on BramhaPutra river( known as Tsangpo in china) .China is building dam on its upper reaches.
  3. China has dispute on two more river with its riparian states. Rivers are Salween(Involving Myanmar & Thailand) & Mekong (Combodia & Vietnam).China believes and implements a policy that calls for exclusive use of all resources that originate on its soils..
  4. India has plans for 25 hydropower projets in Arunachal Pradesh , one part of thinking behind these projects is to implement them before China complete its dam projects. If that happens then India can press its usage rights by what is called the doctrine of prior- appropriation.  Under this legal concept the first country to use these resources has a claim over them before any other country. However of 25 projects , not a single one is completed & China takes 3 years to complete dam where India takes minimum 10 years to complete.

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